I think most of our problems arise from us taking things in life too serious. Be it our job, personal relations, business, goals or anything else. The model of Success in our Subconscious mind is of someone who is super serious with a strict face and laser focus. However, the biggest success is happiness, the smile. The liberating feeling when you know you can achieve things Effortless.
You don’t need to be super busy all the time and live a miserable life without enjoying a second of it. On the contrary this kind of approach will only take you down. You become truly successful only and only if you realize that success can only be achieved by enjoying what you do. Enjoying what you do equals loving every second of your life. Therefore, Success = enjoying life.
The concept or the mindset I learned this week that I want to share with you opened a totally new perspective in front of me. Looking back at the things/problems that I faced or am facing right now with this new mindset liberates me from most of the pain and suffering that I have been attaching to them. It allows me to take things less serious and most of the things that I call problems just seem serious. Its like a paradigm shift that happens instantly once you observe the world with this new mindset. Einstein once said “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them”. This new approach exactly allows to do that. Shift from the old way of thinking to the new one.
I give all the credit for this post to a Youtuber called Aaron Daughty as he is the one who I learned it from. He says: “ The more you realize that life is a dream, the more dreamlike your life will become. When you become aware of that, what you then begin to do as you begin to dismantle the old beliefs, the old beliefs that appear, that makes things very hard and very rigid, and simply knowing that that things aren’t the way you think that they primarily were or are you already begin to dismantle the old ways of being.”
The realization of that “The reality that we experience in the world is only what we create in our minds.” Whatever you believe about yourself to be is true and it is your reality. Now on the contrary you can say that I’ve seen so many people thinking they are cool but are not cool how about that? That I call different realities intersecting and in that case whoever has a stronger belief in his or her reality will re-emphasize his or her way of reality onto another. Let me give you a better example. Lets say you are watching the a movie in the cinema. The main hero is being bullied at school for some reason and manages to defeat his bully at the end. There are 3 realities intersecting when this happens. There is a 1) reality of the main character of the movie that you are watching 2) the reality of someone who sees him as a looser and 3) the reality of the observer You. For the hero, it is hard to get away from his old beliefs despite the fact that he has all the skills he needs to become who he wants to become. 2) For the bully the reality is the guy in front of him is a looser unless he proves the opposite. However for you, the observer, everything is quite possible, you know that the main character can become anything and anyone as long as he or she believes in it.
Understand that life is nothing more but a game or a dream. Anything and everything can happen here and we are absolutely free to choose anything we want to do. Do not take it too seriously because at the end of the game nothing you do matters that much. It is absolutely your choice to make playing the game a very fun and enjoyable experience or to suffer as the main hero in your game goes through things you call difficulties. It is the ability to be able to observe yourself from aside to see your body do things you do during the day as a 3rd person that gives you the feeling of liberation from all the things we call “problems”. They don’t seem as serious now. If you realize that you live in computer game or a move and you as as an observer have the remote control to control the main character life can truly turn into the most fun and enjoyable experience. Its like watching the most sophisticated movie where you get to choose the actions of the main hero. Imagine the endless possibilities of what you can do with him. I bet you would be 10 times better Spider man or Superman the Batman than they are.
I will have to cut it off here because I have to finish some stuff at work now. I may do a video on this subject later. But do keep in mind you are watching a movie called your life and it is absolutely in your hands to do whatever you want to do wherever you want to go and whoever you want to become. Make this movie the most enjoyable experience of your life. Because that is possible also.
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