Friday, October 11, 2019

Day 22: Creating the album of my Dreams

Today is an awesome day. I tried this new practice that I learned from Bodo Shefers book "Mani ili azbuka deneg." (seems there is only Russian version of the book available online). The practice is called creating a journal (album) of your dreams.

The idea is that we, human beings, think more with mental images than words. We remember situations with snapshots or pictures in our minds. Therefore, it is very helpful if you create an album of with pictures of the lifestyle you would like to achieve and go through it every day to remind yourself. First thing I did when I got to work this morning was to seek for photos that I envision my life like. I found out the way I'd like to see myself in the future can be divided roughly about 5 areas:


I found photos of people, places and objects that inspire me to achieve these. Some photos like Tony Robbins Morning Routine Gary Vaynerchuk Speaking, and Kinobody flexing did really trigger something in me.


This is a very long journey but I know one thing for sure that  it is really hard to get what you want unless you clearly know what you want. Mental Clarity is the very first step but it sure is the most important one.

I highly recommend you to go ahead and create the album of your dreams together with me. My plan is to take these printed photos and hang it somewhere in my room where at least once a day I will be able to see them and thus they will remind me of my goals and allow me to stay focused on my vision. 
Take care and see you tomorrow!

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