Well, I thought for a very long about it until the answer came to me... Whole my life I loved setting goals and sharing them people around me in the hope that it will inspire them to take action as well, and to pick some insights from them as well. By the way, don't get me wrong I am not talking about the common belief that don't share your goals because people are evil and they will conspire against they know what you plan. That is a very negative and unhealthy mindset to come from. The truth of the fact is that people are either too lazy to do anything or too busy of thinking about themselves to give a damn about your goals, not to say to spend time conspiring against you.
However, if you pay close attention, there is only two scenarios possible when you share your goals/ambitions with other and both of them are not in your favor.
First one is that not everyone is in the same emotional vibration as you. They may not understand, like, think positive, or give the right advise about goals. This may demotivate you from taking the action. The truth of the matter is that we all think we are experts in many things that we have no clue about. One wise thing I learned was "Whenever you plan to start a venture only seek advice from the Experts only. People who have done what you intend to do before you, from people who are at least 10-20 years ahead of you in that field. " Do not ask advice from your friends or family. On the best side you will be wasting your time convincing them that your goal is good. To sum up, when you share your goals with others you will either get discouraged or relieve unproven/invalid 'expert' opinions which will do more harm than good.
The second scenario is even worse. This is when you talk about your goals and your friends think its a Great Idea and they praise you for coming up with such a great plan and they encourage you to pursue it and keep going. It sounds like something we need a lot, doesn't it? However, there is an insidious problem with it. The thing is that, when you talk about your goals and get positive feedback from people your brain receives all the positive validation that it needs after achieving that goal before even taking any action towards that goal. It impacts your subconscious as well. Our brains can not distinguish reality from thought. By being praised by friends for the amazing plan your brain gets all the validation and thinks as if it has already achieved the desired outcome. The fake sense of accomplishment relaxes your brain and you don't feel that urge to take action or to hustle anymore. This creates the loop and is the major reason why some people end up coming with fabulous ideas and only talking about them without even realizing any single one of them. Goals demand hard work, concentration and constant action. To do this one should always stay hungry. Getting validated before achieving your goals will only hinder your Success. Therefore, Keep Your Goals to Yourself.
P.S. This must be my biggest realization today about why i started certain ventures and did not follow up. My mistake was sharing my goals with positive people around me who always encouraged and praised me for the brilliance of these plans. I got validated and therefore did not feel the same hunger anymore.
P.S.S. Share with me below in the comments if you whether you think its a good idea to talk about your goals or not and why..
Thank you for reading this letter and see you tomorrow! :)
I also believe that our desires have the energy necessary for their implementation, which they got from the Universe. And it comes in a limited amount. When you enthusiastically discuss your plans with other people, you lose this energy, it goes away with the words. So, when you begin to act you have neither the strength nor the desire to do something.