There is a really cool Russian YouTuber called Igor Voitenko whom I have been following closely recently. He is a pure example of someone who worked day in and day out chasing his dreams and achieved his goals. He started his own company called road to the dream few years ago and made a huge progress while documenting his journey from an ordinary waiter at McDonalds to an international fitness company owner. His videos are absolute source of motivation and inspiration and his energy is off the roof.
It is not a secret to the people who know me in person that massive changes occurred in my life during the last couple of month. Ending marriage and going through a divorce is not something that one can easily handle. No matter how much in control you try to be over your emotions, thoughts and life as a whole it just gets to you every now and then. The triggering factor was when one of my exes reached out to me yesterday and started digging with curious and uncomfortable questions such as how did u meet your ex-wife, why did u get divorced, couldn't you have saved the marriage and etc. I tried to stay grounded and answer them rationally and honestly even though they were not the easiest questions as I still dont know the answer to some of them. So despite my self suggestion that these things dont get to me and me not showing a crack she managed to fuck up my mood eventually...
So what to do when these kind of things get to you? After-all thinking over and over and holding on to something what is now past will give you nothing but a meaningless pain. The thoughts of past and that something is missing in your life sidetrack you from your goals and massively undermine your productivity. When an emotion gets to you, be it hatred sadness or anything your brain is occupied with something that will give you nothing for the future. So I guess the real question here is how do you control your emotional state when for whatever reason you feel down, demotivated or sad?
The same night I came across with Igor's video where he answers this exact question. What do you do when you feel down? - His response was very wise. It was three words "Get Fucking Busy".

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