Day of appreciation: I have always been someone driven by progress. Productivity and achievements are the two things that keep me going. The days of doing nothing bring me down to a point of depression. I have never been satisfied with life. It always feels like I need to get somewhere and I don't have enough time. The train is moving and I might be late and miss it. With this kind of mentality its very difficult to stop and observe the beauty around you and to appreciate what you already have and what you truly love. It can seem to be simple things, but taking the moment appreciating your family, your friends, the house you live in, the food you eat, the work you do can bring another form of joy to your life. So it is really good sometimes to stop the hassle and take a moment to be grateful for just for what you have and give back to the world that has given you this beautiful opportunity to grow and work on yourself to feel safe and appreciate all that you are surrounded with... I did it today and it felt very peaceful.

Now let's get back to work :). I recently wrote the list of the habits that I want to create. The top 2 on my list are reading more and writing daily. They both have this fascinating magical effect of boosting creativity and unlocking way more about the world you live in.
I am trying to read more of biography style books about the lives of people who's traits I 'd like to incorporate to myself. This little trick I learned from Napoleon Hill and John D. Rockefeller. According to them, the fastest way to achievement is through self-image first and if you try hard enough you can build any image of your self. If you can think, imagine, dream, walk, work like the person you want to become then you will inevitably get to that goal. I am currently reading 2 books. One biography about Jacke Chan called Never grow up and one financial literature by the infamous Dave Ramsey called Total Money Makeover. Books unlock the opportunity to see the world through the lenses of the author and 100X more effective if this author is the ones that you'd like to become or learn from. It is the fastest way to access someone's mind.

Writing gives me creativity and more than anything helps me organize my thoughts. Don't get me wrong I am quite familiar with the practice of journaling. I have always been writing my goals, daily to-do lists, things I have learned, ideas, etc. to my notebooks for a very long time and I know that the benefits of doing so are immeasurable. However, writing things in the form of a blog post or a letter, more like the one to yourself, unlocks a new perspective.
My desk at home and my desk at work are always somehow messy even though I usually somehow end up finding the right things out of this mess. This is is probably a reflection of the disorder of my thoughts to the real world. Writing blog articles like this I feel like is a of organizing that mess on my table. The often I write, the clearer and more organized my thoughts become. I am a firm believer that "A man who has the control over his thoughts has the control over his life and destiny"...
I hope you find this useful and it inspires you to start your journey and create your movie of life. Comment below if you have any thoughts that you'd like to share with me. Cheers, and See you tomorrow!
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