Day 3 of my blog-post a day challenge seems to go pretty well. In fact i am starting to enjoy it more and more every day. Writing builds some-sort of unexplainable creativity.

I kept reading Napoleon Hill yesterday and I am trying to read a chapter a day from Think and Grow Rich and take out one small lesson each day that resonates with me. Yesterday it was the chapter on Auto-Suggestion.

This morning before writing this post I read a fantastic article about Rockfeller. I summarised and took the following notes:
1. Do not work work with someone else. Work less for someone else. The one who works the whole day for someone else, he will never have the opportunity to make money for himself.
2. Save money and invest.
3. Start a business. If you don't have much money, you have to do business. If you don't have money at all, you should do business immediately. Right now!
4. Create Passive Income. The path to immense riches lies only through passive income -the income that comes to you independent from your efforts. Create a source of passive income and enjoy your life. Investing is a good option for this.
5. Make 50 000$ per month. Aim for making minimum $50 000 per month. You can make more but not less.
6. Socialize. Meet new people and network. Money comes to you via other people. Unsocial people rarely become rich
7. Surround yourself with Successful People. Poor surrounding will almost always drag you down to poorness. Surround yourself with the winners and optimistic people.
8. Take Responsibility! Lack of responsibility makes you poor. Do not make excuses why you cannot start moving towards your goal right now. You don't have excuses. Take action now!
9. Study the biographies and the way of thinking of the richest people of the world. Listen and take advise from only successful people who have already achieved what you want to achieve not your friends or family.
10. Dream! Dreams are the most important thing in your life. A person starts to die when he stops dreaming. You must always have a dream, a vision and an ambition where you want to get in life.
11. Help others. Help people without expecting anything in return but help the ones that you truly want to help. Give back 10% of your income to charity.
12. Enjoy the life. Create business systems that will be working for you in the long run and enjoy the life and the money you made!

Hope you enjoyed it! Have a fantastic day and work on building your dreams!!
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