Monday, September 23, 2019

Day 13: High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way- Book review

It is said that whatever you focus on, you tend to notice more. When I started reading this book, most of the ideas seemed like things I have thought about.

In his book, Brendon tries to find the answer to the question of "Why do some individuals and teams succeed more quickly than others and sustain that success over long term". He believes that with the right habits, anyone can dramatically increase their results and become a high performer in almost any field.

He indicates six habits of high performers and emphasizes the importance of improving your skills with each of them. These are:

1. Clarity
2. Energy
3. Necessity
4. Productivity
5. Influence
6. Courage

Anyone who wants to succeed has to have a clear idea of what he wants to do and where he wants to go. Fundamental questions that should be asked: Who am I? What do I value? What are my strength and weaknesses? What are my goals? What is my plan?

High performers know themselves but they don't get stuck there. They are more focused on sculpting themselves into stronger and more capable people. Ask yourself "If you could describe your ideal Self in the future, the person you are trying to become, how would you describe that self?" Once you figure that out do not wait for next week, next month or next year. Start Living Your best Self now. Have a vision beyond your Current circumstances. Imagine your best future self and start acting like that person today.

Practice 1. 

Spend your days more mindful. Brendon practiced passing through each day with the 3 word mantra that each day he spends he should LIVE, LOVE, and MATTER. This is a very useful practice that I may start incorporating into my lie. Be mindful, live fully and enjoy every moment of your day. Give Love and genuinely care for someone. Matter and make your presence a difference, positive impact for the lives of those around you. Ask yourself each day: Did I live fully today? Did I love? Did I matter?

Practice 2.

Identify three aspirational words that would describe your future self. 1. Describe how you have perceived yourself over the past several month (with your partner, at work, with friends in social situations and etc.) 2. Ask, Is that who I really see myself being in the future? How would my future self look, feel and behave differently in those situations? 3. If you could describe yourself in three aspirational words - words that sum up who you are at your best future self- what would those words be? Once you find those words write them down and remind yourself several times a day to start living by that.

Along with personal aspects of achievement Brendon emphasizes the importance of the social aspects as well. For instance he says that High performers regularly ask themselves a few primary before interacting with people. They ask questions like these:

How can I be a good person or a leader in this upcoming situation?
What will the other person need?
What kind of mood or tone I want to set.

What is apparent across all high performers is that they anticipate positive social interactions and they strive consciously and consistently to create them.

I haven't finished the book yet but I highly recommend anyone to start reading and practicing it. You will probably not get much from just reading. It would be way more helpful if u can take just 1 advice from each chapter and start practicing today...

All the best and see you tomorrow.

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