Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Day 8 Finding my Why?

Sharing what you write has turned into another form of pressure for me. At first, it all was  just meant to be a blog post by me and for me with no readers. However, first few posts I shared on social media has gotten some attention. I believe I even have some daily readers now.. It contradicts the initial reasoning behind these letters. Now that I know people are reading it I have this pressure to make it sensible, appealing, understandable and possibly in a way that it will positively influence someone else's life. I know that some of my readers are just curious, others get inspired and I bet some are confused with the set of ideas presented here. One thing is for sure, that this blog is not about me by me and for me anymore. You have stolen it...

It's not always bad pressure thou. Being able to put your thoughts and ideas out there share your self with the world demands huge courage. That was probably the reason why I am attracted to YouTube-ing so much. Overcoming any kind of fear does help one grow on another pace. The ability to be open, completely honest and feel no fear while sharing yourself with the world has always been something that I admired.

Yesterday I read this book titled "Finding Your Why" by Simon Sinek. This book is written to help the readers to rediscover their Life Purpose and find the trigger that drives them to move forward.

We all know what we do. Some of us know how we do, but only a few know why we do things. He believes that anyone who finds his/her Why and lives by that why will have a more fulfilled life. You can find their why by going deep inside, questioning the core beliefs and taking a hard look at yourself. A good example is to take your life's work and ask yourself Why am I doing it. When you find the answer, create a why statement with the following format TO ____ SO THAT ____ and dig deeper until you find the real why.

I applied this technique and once again rediscovered what my why truly is. I have known it for years now. I bet you know it too and when you rediscover, it will feel very familiar. The reason behind my work and actions, even today while I am writing this blog-post, what truly motivates me, is the ability to help others and to see how I managed to change someones life to a positive direction. This has happened to me several times and man those were the moments that I felt truly happy and complete. There are so many young people out there who are lost, going through difficult times in life and seeking for answers about them and the world around them. Neither friends nor the family can provide these answers. I know this for sure because I used to be one of them. I was lucky to have a mentor who guided me through my toughest times back then without asking anything in return. And I want to repay that favor by being that person to those who need that someone to help them find their answers and discover their path...

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