Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Day 6. Stop Chasing things instead focus on Being. Law of attraction

Yesterday, I finally managed to stay the whole evening at home after I came back from work. It is very relaxing to explore my introverted sides from time to time. I indulged in reading after having dinner. Then I realized something very profound...

All my life I have been chasing something... As I wrote yesterday it always felt that I constantly needed to get somewhere, always something missing, always something not enough.

I have been running after things whole my life, be it new achievements, wealth or success in general. I realized that the more I chase these things the further they seem to get away from me.

Don't get me wrong this does not mean that I am complaining about my achievements. Quite the contrary, I consider myself very fortunate to have reached almost all the goals that I have set. I am a firm believer that "You will never achieve your dreams if you don't dare to dream". However, its important to draw the fine line between wanting something and chasing something. Chasing has the very dangerous element of neediness in it. When you chase something it says that you feel you are incomplete, you are not good enough because you don' have it and therefore you chase it. And when you chase it it runs away from you...

What can be done?  Law of attraction says you should focus on Being instead of becoming. The mindset shift I experienced was that, instead of going after certain things I can just be...
Whenever I have a goal, instead of thinking how to get to that point where I am not or become the person who I am not, I should ask what is preventing me to be in that position right now? Shockingly most of the answers are Nothing. Its all in our minds. Therefore, Success is not a point to get to, it is a state of mind, its a feeling.

Ask yourself what is preventing me from feeling successful/confident/smart/wealthy now? If the answer is nothing. Set your mindset to the tone and to the frequency of that of success and all that you want will come to you effortless...

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